Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Analysis -- Buffy The Vampire Essay - 1675 Words

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a difficult media to classify into one genre. An obvious classification of the programme ¡Ã‚ ¦s genre would be horror; but this isn ¡Ã‚ ¦t entirely true, because the show has more concepts and themes that a horror movie would, and deals with more issues as well. The show uses elements contained in the more fantasy-orientated horror movies (such as Dracula): these include mythological beings such as vampires, demons and zombies; things that aren ¡Ã‚ ¦t always contained in horror movies. In the episode  ¡Ã‚ §Dead Man ¡Ã‚ ¦s Party ¡Ã‚ ¨, the show deals primarily with the undead (a vampire appears near the beginning of the episode, and has very little effect on the story). Mythology is also applied in the form of a Nigerian mask, which†¦show more content†¦Some of the behaviour seems a little apprehensive, or awkward, especially with Buffy and Joyce; they both seem to feel intimidated by each other ¡Ã‚ ¦s presence. Behaviour seems to cha nge often during the party: Buffy feels overwhelmed and that she doesn ¡Ã‚ ¦t belong, and the other characters (especially Willow, Xander and Cordelia) appear ignorant towards Buffy. There is also a scene in which the characters show anger towards Buffy, who becomes very upset by this, but then the scene is interrupted and the characters instantly resolve their feelings towards each other. The behaviour of Angel also seems quite distant, and generally unlike the character. Lighting in this episode is quite mundane, although there are a few anomalous uses of light. At night, the lighting is dark, but it is easy to see what is happening. Indoor lighting is moderately lit, except in a few locations, such as the basement, which is a little dark, with beams of sunlight coming through windows. The light in Giles ¡Ã‚ ¦ apartment is lower than most other settings, and the moonlight shining through the window in Buffy ¡Ã‚ ¦s bedroom is unusually intense. The lighting in the emergency r oom of the hospital is also lower than expected, yet enough to make a reflection in the heart monitor. The costumes consist of everyday wear, and doesn ¡Ã‚ ¦t really show any distinct patterns, except near the beginning of the episode where Willow, Xander, Cordelia andShow MoreRelated The Feminist Perspective of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Essay5032 Words   |  21 PagesThe Feminist Perspective of Buffy the Vampire Slayer In her feminist critique of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Anne Millard Daughtey described Buffy as a show which obviously promotes female strength and power (159). Buffy herself is a symbol of female empowerment (149); as feminists we can all take comfort in the fact that Buffy kicks butt and so can we all (164). Sherryl Vint agrees that Buffy is a positive role model for young women, one which feminism should celebrate (para. 3). 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Pope Free Essays

The text under analysis â€Å"Doreen Pope† is a type of publicistic writing, feature article. The author M. Loudon managed to make this text informative and entertaining for the reader. We will write a custom essay sample on Pope or any similar topic only for you Order Now The article concentrates on an Interesting theme. The theme of the article is about the role of a teacher in the system of education in GB. The author embodies the theme into incomparable character. The story reveals the image of ideal teacher. M. Loudon convinces us of the importance of the teacher’s role for children. This important idea that the author expresses in the process of developing the theme is he message of the story. The theme is organically connected with the message. And M. Loudon places the maln point very appropriately. It has a complex character Is created with the help of interaction of implications and develops further. Sufficient arguments, details and examples support the main idea. â€Å"Miss Pope was an enormous success with the children because she had a genuine affinity with them. She also had an unpretentious disregard for the formal†. The author uses references effectively and her reasoning sounds very logically and convincing. â€Å"Miss Pope believed that children only learnt self-worth and corporate responslblllty through ecognition of their gifts, however insignificant they might have seemed in scholastic terms: so while she was appreciate of talent and enthusiasm, it was those who were shy. or obstreperous. or who found reading or writing Is difficult, which whom she spent the most time. Such cohesive devices as â€Å"practically, so, also, indeed, Just, however† within the paragraphs and the repetition the main character’s name between them catch the reader’s attention, give more prominence to the words. Implication is conveyed by different techniques, artistic details, arrangement of plot structure and images. With the help of it the writer achieved her main purpose. M. Loudon Informs the reader about educational system In GB, convinces us of the importance of the role of a teacher. She makes us feel sympathy to the main character and respect her strong personality. M. Loudon reminds us about eternal values and morals In our life. The style of presentation of these ideas Is appealing and appropriate for the situation. â€Å"Practically, no one reading this will have of Miss Pope. Her greatness is no obvious and it has never been documented. † using not very formal style the writer involves us to the situation, Invites to an open dialog, creates ree and trust atmosphere. The author’s attitude to the character determines the tone of the story. Tone expresses the relationship between the author and the character. It Is sympathetic, cheerful, and enthusiastic. M. Loudon resorts to emotionally colored words, such as â€Å"cheerful†, â€Å"Jolly†, â€Å"brisk†, â€Å"great†. An extensive Image of the character Is created by similes â€Å"Miss Pope and Sheena as the Madonna and Child in Renaissance Europe† epithets: â€Å"wholesome woman†, â€Å"unobtrusive clothes†, â€Å"sensible shoes†, â€Å"affectionate woman†, â€Å"Insatiable sense of humor†. Metaphors: â€Å"she never lost her cool†, antitheses: â€Å"from sunny hildhood to dark adolescence† Intensifiers, such as: â€Å"completely different tot us†, â€Å"such an aloof dog†. Polysyndeton: â€Å"she had an insatiable sense of humor and a nuge, rotund laugn, ana sne never Tallea to reward even tne dullest anecdote. † I use of low-colloquial words intensifies the contrast; make a parallel between primary and secondary school: â€Å"fuck off, posh bitch† The writer applies contrast, parallel structure, framing to visualize the article. The use of these means produces a humorous effect and testifies to the inventiveness and wit of the author. The title of the article catches our attention, gives prominence o the main character due to capitalization. The title is the name of the character that emphasizes its importance in the article, defines sympathetic feelings of the author, and arouses reader’s interest to it. The article raises important and interesting themes. It forces us to be involved in the problem of the role of a teacher. Teacher is a guide, is an inspirer, is a monitor, is a friend, is a second mother, and is a mentor, who teaches simple, but timeless and good values. And M. Loudon was succeeded in paying tribute to an inspirational teacher and created a hymn to a teacher. How to cite Pope, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Delhi Metro free essay sample

The power (75 MW) required to operate the trains in the MRTS corridors constitutes about 3% of the total peak hours requirement presently estimated to be 2600 MW for Delhi Area. * , all the trains will also have modern Ni-Cd Batteries to continue to provide lighting and air conditioning even when the train is stopped in event of complete power failure * For Rail Corridor it has been planned to avail power from NTPC Thermal Power Station at three MRTS receiving stations through 400 kV, 220 kV 66 kV Extra High Voltage Transmission Network. In the event of failure of one source, power can be fed at 25 KV side throughout the section from the other two sources * Ridership * Delhi Metro recorded the highest ever ridership figure of 18, 30,944 on 01st August 2011, which surpassed the earlier record set just last Monday on 25th July, when 17, 71,668 people traveled by the Metro. * Currently, DMRC has a pool of 200 train sets with 69 of these being six coach formations. We will write a custom essay sample on Delhi Metro or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page At present; the Delhi Metro is operational on six lines where more than 2500 train trips are made each day traversing over 69000 KMs in a day. * With Phase-III of the network expected to cover about 108 kilometers, the Delhi Metro network will become 295 kilometers by 2016 making it one of the fastest expanding Metro networks in the world carrying about 4 million (40 lakh) passengers. * Telecommunication * Telecommunication is the transmission of messages over significant distances for the purpose of communication. A revolution in telecommunications into wireless communications began in the first decade of the 20th Century * Signaling * Cab signalling is a railroad safety system that communicates track status information to the train cab. * Automatic Train Control (ATC can also) be used with Automatic train Operation(ATO). There are several implementations and versions of ATC, and each is different * Digital ATC is a digitized form of Automatic Train Control in use on a few JR lines in Japan. Ticketing Delhi Metro commuters have three choices for ticket purchase * RFID tokens are valid only for a single journey on the day of purchase and the value depends on the distance travelled * Travel cards, which are most convenient for frequent commuters, are valid for one year * Tourist cards can be used for unlimited travel on the Delhi Metro network over short periods of time. There are two kinds of tourist cards — with validities of one and three days respectively. Metro Project * As of July 14, 2011, the whole of Phase-I and parts of Phase-II are complete, with the network comprising six lines with 140 metro stations and a total length of 189. 7 km (117. 9 mi). * 2021 promise: Access to a Metro in city every 0. 5km (Delhi Metro Phase III and IV) After completion of Phase II of construction by the end of this month, Delhi Metro network will cover an impressive 190km in the capital. But those who havent been included in the Metro map neednt worry. With two more phases already in the pipeline, the Metro masterplan for 2021 envisages bringing the Metro within half a kilometre reach of every Delhiite. The next phase of construction, Phase III, will add another 69. 57km of Metro through six new corridors. The corridors include †¢ 25. 66-km line from Anand Vihar to Dhaula Kuan of which 12. 52km will run underground, †¢ 12. 0-km line from Mukundpur to Rajouri Garden of which 6. 58km will be underground, †¢ 9. 64-km line from Ashok Park to Delhi Gate of which 5. 28km will be underground, †¢ fully underground section from Central Secretariat to Red Fort (6. 8km) †¢ elevated extension of the existing Line 2 from Jehangirpuri to Badli (3. 43km). †¢ A sixth section (11. 64km) is proposed from the existing Metro station at Noida Sector 18 to Malviya Nagar via Kalindi Kunj.