Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Intercompany Profits Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Intercompany Profits - Case Study Example There are factors that the organization considers in determining the technique to utilize, for example, possession and impact. For this situation, the investigation of the auxiliaries is remembered for the solidified fiscal reports. The standards of bookkeeping state that the intercompany stock exchanges, for example, an exchange between Verizon Wireless and Wireline, must wipe out all the incomes and costs recorded by the included gatherings in the planning of the merged salary proclamation. The benefits or misfortunes that are gathered in the exchange of stock are conceded, to where the stock is offered to a non-subsidiary (Christensen, Cottrell, and Baker, 2013). The intercompany benefits that are acknowledged by Verizon and its auxiliaries are considered as a solitary element to guarantee that the main authentic expense of the stock is remembered for the business’s accounting report. In that capacity, the benefits that might be acknowledged by the parent organization (Verizon) are disposed of until when the merchandise are offered to a non-member. In planning of the combined budgetary report, the gross benefit that is acknowledged by Verizon is just when the stock has been offered to a non-auxiliary s ince the intercompany benefits are dispensed with. Contentions are that, in the stock between move, paying little mind to the cost at which the trade has occurred, no real benefits have been acknowledged, from the combined point of view, yet the benefit is acknowledged after exchanging of stock to non-partners (Christensen et al., 2013). Verizon wipes out all the intercompany benefits, as it no longer applies the arrangements and administrative bookkeeping gave by the FASB 71 (1994). Harley-Davidson is enlisted as the parent organization to two organizations. The Harley-Davidson Motor Company (HDMC) manages bikes and related items while the Harley-Davidson Financial Services (HDFS) offers monetarily related types of assistance to different customers. In Harley-Davidson’s united articulations, theâ entities are sourced from both organization auxiliaries and other claimed elements by the organization.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Native American Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Local American Art - Essay Example Notwithstanding this solidarity of beat in both aesthetic items, each appeared to have a general, heavenly quality overlaid upon the establishment mood. In the Friendship Dance, this is cultivated by the different vocal tones created by the artists. The grimness of the stone expressions fundamental geometric shapes is in like manner raised to an alternate plain by embellishments of an increasingly theoretical nature. These incorporate clearing curves over the heads of characters and lines that could nearly be portrayed as recommending development of the figures. One distinction between the two media is their inclination of openness. For me by and by, the Friendship Dance appeared to be welcoming me to come and participate in a type of celebration. The mood of the drums and the vocals, albeit unfamiliar to my ear and comprehension, sounded welcoming and inviting. Then again, the stone craftsmanship was a marvel to observe, yet appeared to be freezing to me. It didn't cause me to feel as if I could ever be a piece of the world that it was portraying. While I valued the idea of the workmanship, I left away inclination as if you truly must be a Native American to truly â€Å"get† what the stone craftsmanship was about. Then again, I felt that the Friendship Dance had the capacity to convey across social

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Followup To Mailing Disaster

Followup To Mailing Disaster Hi everyone. Im so exhausted so this is going to be quick, but I want to thank all of you who had my back today and who wrote in with supportive comments. You guys got me through today I seriously dont know what I would have done without you. This situation sucked for all of us, and youve been amazing through the whole thing. Ive read every single one of your comments, and I cant answer every question right now, but here are the most popular ones: Whats the deal with calling on Thursday? We have organized the office to be able to start taking phone calls tomorrow (Thursday, 12/15/05) instead of beginning on Friday (as originally planned). I think you can call next week as well. The number to call is 617-253-4791. We will be able to take calls from 9AM until 4PM EST. Please be aware that there might be some serious hold times. We will all be taking calls but there are still a lot of you and only a few of us. Can my parents call? Usually the answer to this is no. Under the circumstances, we are making an exception. Yes, your parents can call Thursday or Friday, however they will be asked for very specific information about you to make sure they really are your parents. We take privacy very seriously at MIT. If I havent gotten a tube yet, should I assume that I have been rejected or deferred? NO. I almost hate to post this, because I dont want to add false hope to what is already an agonizing wait, but you deserve to know this. I confirmed as of this evening (Wednesday) that admits in at least 2 different states (probably more) have not received their tubes. Please dont ask me to identify the states; I wouldnt feel right doing so without knowing *all* the states that are still owed tubes. If Ive been deferred, what is the deadline to send in supplemental materials? Get things in by the end of January and they will be seen by your readers. Committee starts in February. If I was missing a teacher rec would I automatically be deferred? Not necessarily if there was enough in the application with which to evaluate you. The MyMIT app tracking portlet isnt exactly timely during peak periods, so even if something seemed to update after it was too late it likely got to us in time. Is there really any hope of being selected RA if Ive been deferred? I can think of some EA applicants right now who will absolutely get in RA. So to answer your question: YES! :-) You are MIT, arguably the greatest technology school in the world! So WHY dont you release decisions online? Argh. Ive been avoiding this question for months, but you deserve an answer, so I will give you one. As you can hopefully tell from your experience with us, we make this process a very personal one (our application, the blogs, the accessibility of the admissions officers, etc.). We try to connect with you on an individual level as much as possible. Marilee feels that delivering a decision via email is too impersonal, and I wholeheartedly agree with her. Many of you have commented that most other schools do it this way. I dont need to tell you that MIT is very different from all other schools. A second issue is privacy. We hear horror stories from those other schools where people fake email addresses or hack into friends accounts. Marilee is very protective of applicants privacy, and I agree with her on that point as well. Your decision should be personal. No one else should ever have access to it. Does this mean that MIT will never release decisions online? Absolutely not. When we begin doing so, we will be releasing decisions inside your MyMIT account. Since this account is directly tied to the actual application you submitted when you applied, it would be darn near impossible to fake. And it would allow us to deliver the decision in a much more human way. (Frankly, email is just not very human.) Straight up we are indeed trying to ready MyMIT to release decisions online for RA. I have no idea whether the backend will be ready by March. The tech folks have about a million things on their plates, but this is a top priority. When I get the official word either way, you guys will be the first to know. I HATE THE USPS!!! To be fair, it was not their fault. This was an internal problem with MIT Mail Services. What else can you tell us? Not much, Im off to bed. But Marilee has a new post for you. Thanks again my friends.