Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Intercompany Profits Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Intercompany Profits - Case Study Example There are factors that the organization considers in determining the technique to utilize, for example, possession and impact. For this situation, the investigation of the auxiliaries is remembered for the solidified fiscal reports. The standards of bookkeeping state that the intercompany stock exchanges, for example, an exchange between Verizon Wireless and Wireline, must wipe out all the incomes and costs recorded by the included gatherings in the planning of the merged salary proclamation. The benefits or misfortunes that are gathered in the exchange of stock are conceded, to where the stock is offered to a non-subsidiary (Christensen, Cottrell, and Baker, 2013). The intercompany benefits that are acknowledged by Verizon and its auxiliaries are considered as a solitary element to guarantee that the main authentic expense of the stock is remembered for the business’s accounting report. In that capacity, the benefits that might be acknowledged by the parent organization (Verizon) are disposed of until when the merchandise are offered to a non-member. In planning of the combined budgetary report, the gross benefit that is acknowledged by Verizon is just when the stock has been offered to a non-auxiliary s ince the intercompany benefits are dispensed with. Contentions are that, in the stock between move, paying little mind to the cost at which the trade has occurred, no real benefits have been acknowledged, from the combined point of view, yet the benefit is acknowledged after exchanging of stock to non-partners (Christensen et al., 2013). Verizon wipes out all the intercompany benefits, as it no longer applies the arrangements and administrative bookkeeping gave by the FASB 71 (1994). Harley-Davidson is enlisted as the parent organization to two organizations. The Harley-Davidson Motor Company (HDMC) manages bikes and related items while the Harley-Davidson Financial Services (HDFS) offers monetarily related types of assistance to different customers. In Harley-Davidson’s united articulations, theâ entities are sourced from both organization auxiliaries and other claimed elements by the organization.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Native American Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Local American Art - Essay Example Notwithstanding this solidarity of beat in both aesthetic items, each appeared to have a general, heavenly quality overlaid upon the establishment mood. In the Friendship Dance, this is cultivated by the different vocal tones created by the artists. The grimness of the stone expressions fundamental geometric shapes is in like manner raised to an alternate plain by embellishments of an increasingly theoretical nature. These incorporate clearing curves over the heads of characters and lines that could nearly be portrayed as recommending development of the figures. One distinction between the two media is their inclination of openness. For me by and by, the Friendship Dance appeared to be welcoming me to come and participate in a type of celebration. The mood of the drums and the vocals, albeit unfamiliar to my ear and comprehension, sounded welcoming and inviting. Then again, the stone craftsmanship was a marvel to observe, yet appeared to be freezing to me. It didn't cause me to feel as if I could ever be a piece of the world that it was portraying. While I valued the idea of the workmanship, I left away inclination as if you truly must be a Native American to truly â€Å"get† what the stone craftsmanship was about. Then again, I felt that the Friendship Dance had the capacity to convey across social

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Followup To Mailing Disaster

Followup To Mailing Disaster Hi everyone. Im so exhausted so this is going to be quick, but I want to thank all of you who had my back today and who wrote in with supportive comments. You guys got me through today I seriously dont know what I would have done without you. This situation sucked for all of us, and youve been amazing through the whole thing. Ive read every single one of your comments, and I cant answer every question right now, but here are the most popular ones: Whats the deal with calling on Thursday? We have organized the office to be able to start taking phone calls tomorrow (Thursday, 12/15/05) instead of beginning on Friday (as originally planned). I think you can call next week as well. The number to call is 617-253-4791. We will be able to take calls from 9AM until 4PM EST. Please be aware that there might be some serious hold times. We will all be taking calls but there are still a lot of you and only a few of us. Can my parents call? Usually the answer to this is no. Under the circumstances, we are making an exception. Yes, your parents can call Thursday or Friday, however they will be asked for very specific information about you to make sure they really are your parents. We take privacy very seriously at MIT. If I havent gotten a tube yet, should I assume that I have been rejected or deferred? NO. I almost hate to post this, because I dont want to add false hope to what is already an agonizing wait, but you deserve to know this. I confirmed as of this evening (Wednesday) that admits in at least 2 different states (probably more) have not received their tubes. Please dont ask me to identify the states; I wouldnt feel right doing so without knowing *all* the states that are still owed tubes. If Ive been deferred, what is the deadline to send in supplemental materials? Get things in by the end of January and they will be seen by your readers. Committee starts in February. If I was missing a teacher rec would I automatically be deferred? Not necessarily if there was enough in the application with which to evaluate you. The MyMIT app tracking portlet isnt exactly timely during peak periods, so even if something seemed to update after it was too late it likely got to us in time. Is there really any hope of being selected RA if Ive been deferred? I can think of some EA applicants right now who will absolutely get in RA. So to answer your question: YES! :-) You are MIT, arguably the greatest technology school in the world! So WHY dont you release decisions online? Argh. Ive been avoiding this question for months, but you deserve an answer, so I will give you one. As you can hopefully tell from your experience with us, we make this process a very personal one (our application, the blogs, the accessibility of the admissions officers, etc.). We try to connect with you on an individual level as much as possible. Marilee feels that delivering a decision via email is too impersonal, and I wholeheartedly agree with her. Many of you have commented that most other schools do it this way. I dont need to tell you that MIT is very different from all other schools. A second issue is privacy. We hear horror stories from those other schools where people fake email addresses or hack into friends accounts. Marilee is very protective of applicants privacy, and I agree with her on that point as well. Your decision should be personal. No one else should ever have access to it. Does this mean that MIT will never release decisions online? Absolutely not. When we begin doing so, we will be releasing decisions inside your MyMIT account. Since this account is directly tied to the actual application you submitted when you applied, it would be darn near impossible to fake. And it would allow us to deliver the decision in a much more human way. (Frankly, email is just not very human.) Straight up we are indeed trying to ready MyMIT to release decisions online for RA. I have no idea whether the backend will be ready by March. The tech folks have about a million things on their plates, but this is a top priority. When I get the official word either way, you guys will be the first to know. I HATE THE USPS!!! To be fair, it was not their fault. This was an internal problem with MIT Mail Services. What else can you tell us? Not much, Im off to bed. But Marilee has a new post for you. Thanks again my friends.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

What Makes A Doctor - 1585 Words

The typical reaction of a person when ill is to run to the doctor, receive a prescribed medication and go about your merry way. Herbs and other natural remedies can be as effective as conventional medicine. Our culture often encourages a dependence on medical doctors, drugs and healthcare systems to fix ailments. What a naturopathic doctor does is establish the underlying reason of the health problem: â€Å"Instead of looking at the signs and symptoms and then treating the disease, herbalists look at the whole picture†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (â€Å"Health Services†). Natural medicine views the body and mind as one, a dysfunction in one area affects the other area. How you feel physically, spiritually, and mentally determines the state of overall health and wellbeing. When you don t feel well every aspect of life is impacted. I strongly believe all individuals deserve the utmost care to find out exactly what is causing the health issue, rather than containing it with pain relievers. P eople all around the world should be striving for optimal health and demanding honest care from physicians. The body is constantly aiming to attain homeostasis, and naturopathic doctors firmly believe natural treatments can greatly support this approach. Taking an active role in healing and treating the body as a whole is misunderstood by the general population. In order to facilitate optimal function of the body, it is essential to reinforce proper nourishment, balance and exercise on a daily basis. The pH balance of theShow MoreRelatedWhat Makes A Doctor?924 Words   |  4 Pageswondered what other type of health careers there is and what it takes to be in the health career field of the person you truly are? For many years, the health system can see ways for the patients to get treatment that they do need. Some patients don’t like the way some health employees treat them while the patients have their visit to their local doctors and while their patients are in the hospital. The type of responsibility it takes for Clinical Laboratory Technologists is that they find out what isRead MoreWhat Makes A Doctor?900 Words   |  4 Pagesmay have faced as a doctor. Finally, it would always end with how becoming a doctor is not as prestigious, profitable, honorable, or any one of many adjectives, as it once was. I concede that those I’ve spoken make valid points. I understand there are certain facets of being a doctor that will frustrate me. However, the reason I want to achieve my life goal doesn’t revolve around the money, title, honor or any other clichà © reason. One of the main reasons I want to become a doctor is largely based uponRead MoreWhat Is It That Makes You Want You Become A Doctor?942 Words   |  4 PagesWhat is it that makes you want to become a doctor? If you ask any premed student what question they are asked most frequently, this is most likely going to be their answer. Although it may be a simple question, it does not always have a simple answer. 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The reason it is so debatable, is that many people have different views on what this actual relationship should be, and how certain situations may cause questions in this relationship. Such questions could be, do I really want my doctor to make decisions for me, or I know my body the best, why should I not be able to make these decisions on my own, maybe a mixture of both. Either way this subject can be debatableRead MoreEssay 11243 Words   |  5 PagesEssay #1: Doctor and Patient Relationship The doctor-patient relationship always has been and will remain an essential basis of care, in which high quality information is gathered and procedures are made as well as provided. This relationship is a critical foundation to medical ethics that all doctors should attempt to follow and live by. Patients must also have confidence in their physicians to trust the solutions and work around created to counter act certain illnesses and disease. 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Monday, May 11, 2020

Jane Austen s Pride And Prejudice - 1055 Words

Pride and Prejudice vs. The Lizzie Bennet Diaries The Lizzie Bennet Diaries You Tube web series is a version of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice that has expanded the book by Austen so well that the characters are very different from the book. Picture Jane Austen’s classic novel Pride and Prejudice did not take place in 19th century England, and instead took place in 21st century California. Would our smart, honest character Elizabeth Bennet be a graduate student with a hobby for video blogging? Wouldn’t Darcy’s snobbery and reserved character make him the typical bowtie-wearing hipster? The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, a modern-day version of Pride and Prejudice co-created by Bernie Su and Hank Green. The Lizzie Bennet Diaries or LBD is a†¦show more content†¦This lively description lets the audience pity with Lydia’s crazy character. Lydia’s actions are all the drama for the entire final section of the novel, but the audience is only told that Lydia is the bad guy, embarrassing her family and being a general trouble maker. We haven’t seen the reasoning behind Lydia’s decisions, the hurt she feels after being left out by her older sisters, or the real attraction she has to Wickham. The Lizzie Bennet Diaries has not weakened Lydia. Instead we see her slowly falling for Wickham and becoming separated from her family. In Pride and Prejudice the audience has been just as judge mental of Lydia as Elizabeth is. How refreshing to see a version that makes Lydia’s journey just as important as Lizzie’s. In the novel the other two Bennet sisters, Mary and Kitty, are not forgotten in LBD, but are re-casted to play important roles in Lydia’s story. Mary Bennet is Lydia, Jane, and Lizzie’s quiet rebellious cousin in LBD. She becomes best friends with Lydia while she stays at her house, even with their opposite personalities. She is often the â€Å"forgotten† character just like in Pride and Prejudice. In the novel, Kitty follows Lydia around in her tricks, but in LBD Kitty is actually a pet cat to Lydia who also follows her everywhere

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Quantitative and Qaulity Research Free Essays

string(77) " understand a given phenomena when used together in a complementary fashion\." Quantitative Qualitative Research COMPARISON OF QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS Introduction This paper compares and contrasts qualitative and quantitative research methods in three basic areas. These are the of their: epistemological foundations, data collection methods, and data analysis methods. The paper ends with a brief summary of the primary points made. We will write a custom essay sample on Quantitative and Qaulity Research or any similar topic only for you Order Now Comparison Gall, Borg and Gall (1996) discuss several similarities and differences between qualitative and quantitative research methods. With respect to similarities, both kinds of research formulate epistemological positions regarding the nature of causation and reality and both comprise a set of methods for designing research, collecting data, analyzing data, and deriving information from data collection and analysis. However, they differ in terms of the epistemological positions they advocate and in the methods they hold to be appropriate for meaningful scientific inquiry. One primary difference between the two research methods according to Gall, Borg and Gall (1996) involves their epistemological assumptions about the nature that causality. The quantitative method, according to the authors, rests on a view of causation as an external, measurable force that occurs independently of the observer and can be used to explain diverse phenomena. On the other hand, the conceptual foundation of qualitative research holds that causation itself is predominately a human interpretive process. The foregoing assumptions have implications for how scientists should study reality. Quantitative research roots its methods of acquiring information in a view that holds that reality is external to the observer whereas the qualitative method grounds its methodological principles and practices in the notion of reality as an interpretative construct. This point has been discussed by Wainwright (1997) who states that typically qualitative research seeks to discover information about any given phenomenon by obtaining an in-depth understanding of the meanings and definitions of the phenomenon that are conceptualized by informants; moreover, these need not be many informants; a simple case study of one individual is said to yield much given the subjective element of reality. Quantitative research, based on its assumptions of causation and reality, attempts to arrive at an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon by measuring â€Å"it† in some fairly objective manner with results that can be established as valid by a set of formal scientific/methodological principles of inquiry and set criteria for reliability and validity. It seeks for results that are stable across time. Thus, while qualitative research aims at discovering how a very small collective interpret a phenomenon, quantitative research looks at some objective index of the phenomenon attempting to produce information that is stable and valid for large populations and samples. Gall, Borg and Gall (1996) note that for some domains such as education, the existing knowledge base consists of information obtained by both quantitative and qualitative research. The authors point out that many research experts believe it is quite acceptable to use both kinds of research to collect information about a given phenomenon despite their differing assumptions—-provided that the two methods are assigned differing roles in terms of the contribution they make to understanding the phenomenon being studied. With respect to the foregoing, qualitative methods are assigned the role of intensively observing some small sample and conceptualizing possible themes, patterns, processes, and/or structures as being involved in the phenomenon of interest. Quantitative methods are then called upon to determine whether the conceptualized constructs are supportable or confirmed. For example, a quantitative study might be conducted of three special education students’ responses to inclusion with possible patterns of response being conceptualized based on this small sample. Quantitative methods would then be used to determine whether this pattern of response is present in a much larger collective of special education students. Thus, qualitative and quantitative research can be seen as working together in complementary fashion. Gall, Borg and Gall (1996) report that the extent to which the two types of research can work to complement each other, in actual practice, is dependent on two contingencies. First, the phenomena being studied must be stable across time. Second, qualitative researchers must provide constructs that can be operationalized which is to say that can be measured in some objective way using a numerical system of some sort. If these conditions are satisfied, quantitative measures can then be used to support whether what is present at the individual or case level is also present for larger populations and samples. Gall, Borg and Gall (1996) further report that some researchers do not believe the two research approaches can actually work together in a complementary fashion; this because of their differing epistemological views of causation and reality — views which make for not only conceptual but also profound methodological differences. For example, quantitative research stipulates that a researcher must state what can be expected to be revealed by his data analysis based on existing research (hypothesis formulation and testing). Qualitative researchers, however, believe that theories and concepts are only meaningfully derived AFTER the data has been collected. Similarly, the two research types differ in the methods they use to derive meaningful information from the data. Quantitative methods hold that the data should be analyzed statistically while quantitative research holds that it should be analyzed using formal methods of reasoning and interpretation. Gall, Borg and Gall (1996) have also listed some of the differences between qualitative and quantitative research methods in terms of the reports each side outputs following their investigations. In this regard, the authors state that the reports of quantitative research tend to be impersonal and objective write-ups of research findings. Qualitative research reports, on the other hand, are said to reflect the researcher’s analytical reconstruction and interpretation of data provided to readers with an awareness that the readers themselves will, in fact, reinterpret what is reported. However, since it is likely that the epistemological structures of both research methods have some truth and some error in their epistemological frameworks, Gall, Borg and Gall (1996) state that it is quite possible that both methods can contribute valid data and so edify scientists’ attempts to understand a given phenomena when used together in a complementary fashion. You read "Quantitative and Qaulity Research" in category "Essay examples" Given the foregoing, it seems reasonable to suggest that the determination as to whether a given researcher should use qualitative or quantitative methods, or use both conjointly, may depend upon the nature of information he desires and the use to which it shall be put. For example, Crowl (1996) states that if a researcher desires to focus on some complex issue and to use it in a pragmatic way, then it is wise to conduct research using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Both methods are said to provide a broader examination of the phenomenon and thus yield a fuller understanding of its complex structure. This broader look, in turn, is said to foster greater insight into the ways the information can be practically applied. Mertes (1998) states that there are certain kinds of information needs that are better suited to being answered using qualitative methods than quantitative methods. These are said to include: (1) the need to understand in detail why an individual does something; (2) the need to determine what aspects, components, or elements of a given issue or phenomenon are important and why they are important; (3) the need to identify a full range of responses or opinions existing in a given collective; and (4) the need to find areas of consensus in patterns of response. On the other hand, Mertes (1998) states that quantitative research is probably the best choice if there is a need to determine â€Å"how many† or to measure some volume-related characteristic of a collective. In other words, quantitative research should be used when there is an interest in how many people in a population have a particular characteristic or response. Further, Mertes (1998) reports that quantitative research is appropriate for measuring attitudes and behaviors, for profiling certain groups, and for formulating predictions. One particularly interesting point about qualitative and quantitative research methods is to note that the distinguishing characteristics are actual differences only to a certain extent. For example, McKereghan (1998) notes that qualitative and quantitative research can be distinguished in several ways and goes on to list some of these differences. Specifically, it is noted that quantitative research is objective; qualitative research is subjective. Quantitative research seeks explanatory laws; qualitative research aims at in-depth description. Quantitative research measures what it assumes to be a static reality in hopes of developing universal laws. Qualitative research is an exploration of what is assumed to be a dynamic reality. It does not claim that what is discovered in the process is universal and, thus, replicable. However, what McKereghan (1998) points out is that when actual research studies are examined in methodological detail, they seldom fit the sharp clear models of differences that are provided in written discussions of the two research approaches. Rather, in most any given study, elements of quantitative and qualitative procedures can be found. Because of this, McKereghan argues that discussing research using this dichotomy may not be especially applicable to what actually goes on in the world of research. Thus, while the two methods can be distinguished, it is probably important to note that this clarity of distinction is present far more in theory than in practice. Finally, it can be noted that quantitative methods help to make generalizations to larger groups and follow a well-established and respected set of statistical procedures, of which the properties are well-understood. However, in terms of practice, there is again an important issue related to whether practice actually meets the standards set for this research approach. As noted by Gall, Borg and Gall (1996), many studies are designed poorly, i. e. , many studies cannot find a significant difference when one exists, due to insufficient sample sizes or to extremely small effect sizes. Further, quantitative methods are often misinterpreted. Summary In this paper’s comparison of qualitative and quantitative research methods, several points were made. It was noted that the two research approaches differ in terms of their epistemological positions on causation and reality and this in turn makes for a number of methodological differences in the approaches. For example, it was noted that qualitative research typically entails in-depth analysis of relatively few subjects for which a rich set of data is collected and organized. Quantitative research, on the other hand, was said to entail the proper application of statistics to typically a large number of subjects. Further, the points were made that while quantitative research is objective; qualitative research is subjective. Also, it was noted that quantitative research seeks explanatory laws; qualitative research aims at in-depth description. In addition, quantitative research was said to measures what it assumes to be a static reality in hopes of developing universal laws while qualitative research is an exploration of what is assumed to be a dynamic, shifting, interpretative reality. It was noted that due to the differing nature of the two research approaches, it is likely that the selection of which to use will depend upon the nature of the information sought by the researcher and the use to which this information will be put. Examples were offered showing the kind of research to which each method or a combination of methods are particularly suited. Finally, the point was made that while there appear to be large differences between the approach from a philosophical/conceptual position, in actual research, methods from both approaches are often used. Further, the standards set for conducting each particular type of research, especially quantitative research, are often not met. References Crowl, T. K. (1996). Fundamentals of educational research (2nd ed. ) Madison, WI: Brown and Benchmark. Gall, M. D. , Borg, W. R. Gall, J. P. (1996). Educational research: An introduction (6th ed. White Plains, NY: Longman. McKereghan, D. L. (1998). Quantitative versus qualitative research: An attempt to clarify the problem. Document available at:http://socrates. fortunecity. com/qvq. html. Mertes, D. M. (1998). Research methods in education and psychology: Integrating diversity with quantitative and qualitative approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Wainwright, D. (1997). Can sociological research be qualitative, critical and valid? The Qualitativ e Report, 3(2). Document available: http://nova. edu/ssss/QR/QR3-2/wain. html. How to cite Quantitative and Qaulity Research, Essays

Friday, May 1, 2020

Apple Logistics and Operations Management

Questions: 1. Detail of the importance of process design on the product or service.2. The overall aim and objectives of the product using process design.3. Stages of the product to illustrate the design concept.4. Analysis of the impact of the performance objectives on the design. Answers: Introduction The chosen organization is Apple, and the product that is to be modified is the Apple Watch. The modification is to be made to increase its levels of water resistance. Apple Inc. had developed a smart watch and had named it as Apple Watch. It has been incorporated with fitness tracking and health-oriented capabilities with integration with iOS and the other products and services that are offered by Apple. It is available in four variations namely, Apple Watch Hermes, Apple Watch Sport, Apple Watch Edition and Apple Watch. It is possible to distinguish it in various combinations of cases and bands that are first party or third party interchangeable. The Watch depends on an iPhone that is connected wirelessly to it for the purpose of performing the default functions like texting or calling. It is consistent with the iPhone 5 or the later models that run iOS or later, by using Bluetooth. Tim Cook had announced it on the ninth day of September 2014, and it was made available for pre-orde r on April 10, 2015. The shipping had begun on the twenty-fourth day of April 2015. The main objective of the product was freeing people from their cell phones. 1. Detail of the importance of process design on the product or service The Watch as mentioned earlier comes in four variations (Shen 2015). It comprises of two sizes of cases, one of the 38mm and another of 42mm (Taylor 2015). The straps of the watch can be changed. It also includes a digital crown' that can be turned to scroll or to zoom and pressed to return to the home screen (McNulty 2015). It also has a touch screen featuring the technology of Force Touch that makes the watch sensitive to pressure and capable of differentiating between a press and a tap (Hanewich-Hollatz 2015). It has a button on its side that can be used for displaying the contacts list or for accessing Apple Pay. The battery of the device is rated for eighteen hours of mixed usage by Apple. Inductive charging is used as a method of charging the watch by using a cable that is identical to the cable of MagSafe (Ingber 2016). When the battery of the watch gets depleted to ten percent, the user is given alerts and is invited to enable a power reserve mode that permits the user to go on reading the time for seventy two additional hours. On recharging, the watch gets reverted to its original mode. The watch is explicitly not marketed by Apple as to be waterproof (Strawbridge 2013). It states that it can tolerate water splashes like hand washing and rain, but submersion is not recommended. But the results of external checking by The Iconfactory and the others have revealed the fact that the watch can function in conditions even when it is submerged like swimming (Reiss 2014). But the touch screen behaves erratically when it is submerged. In addition to it, the water usage might void the warranty, establishing that the damage had been caused by using the product outside the guidelines published by Apple, and the apps that take this advantage might not be allowed as per the policies of the App Store (Kamardeen 2015). The policies inhibit the publishing of those apps which instigate the users for using devices in ways which might bring damage to them. Thus, it is extremely essential to modify the product to make it waterproof or to increase its levels of water resistance. It must be modified in a way that it can be submerged, and there would be no problems arising when used during swimming or related activities. There are people who like to swim and enjoy water sports. Also, people get drenched in the rain at times, and the watch is exposed to water. The modifications must be made especially by keeping them in mind. The change must have an impact on the policies of Apple too. The policies must be such that the watch can be used to be submerged in the water. 2. The overall aim and objectives of the product using process design The overall aim and objectives of Apple Watch using process design are to develop the product in such a way so that it might be able to fulfill the below-mentioned purposes: The watch might be able to be dropped or subjected to other effects. The watch may be able to be submerged in water for a long period. The activities like bathing and swimming would be able to be done with the watch. The watch would be able to be exposed to water that is pressurized or water that is of high velocity like water skiing, jet skiing, wake boarding, showering, surfing, etc (Michael and Michael 2015). The watch must be developed in a way that it would be able to be worn in a steam or sauna room (Kusume and Gridley 2013). Presently, the watch has a rating of water resistance of IPX7 under the IEC standard 60529 (Thompson et al. 2012). The rating indicates that the product is capable of surviving in water for thirty minutes up to a meter (Riches 2015). But if it is immersed deeper than one meter in water or above thirty minutes, it could spell doom. Hence, it is very important to increase the current water resistance rating of the product so that it can withstand the water at deeper levels or for a longer period. 3. Stages of the product to illustrate the design concept There are many stages of modification of the Apple Watch (Anderson 2015). The process has to be performed by a set of people like the industrial designers, the field experts like the prospective users, engineer, etc. The methods of modification should be focused on improving the water-resistant features by brainstorming various ideas, making mock prototypes, and then the developed product would be generated (Jiang 2014). After the completion of the product, the designers need to monitor and evaluate the product to check whether the watch has met the required expectations or if further changes are required to be carried out. The process has to follow three sections for modifying the watch, and they are discussed below: Analysis The product designers must decide to commit to the project of modifying the watch and to find a solution to the problem. The resources need to be pooled to figure out how the work can be efficiently solved. Proper research is required to be done for the collection of specific materials that would be helpful in figuring out the solution to the above mentioned problem. Concept The main issue of the problem is to be defined, and the conditions of the areas of the problem would become the goals, and the constraints on the situation become the guidelines within which the fresh design should be made. Synthesis The product designers must weigh various ideas and solutions for the problem. This must not involve any judgment or bias. It should be focused on building original ideas. By this time the product designers should zero in some of their ideas that can make the project of modifying the watch to be successful. They must design their strategies from those ideas. The prototypes should then be constructed, the strategies that are outlined in the above step are to be implemented and then the modified product would be developed. The product so modified is to be tested, and further improvements are to be performed. It may be the last stage of the product modification, but that does not indicate that the process is over. If the watch is not modified or altered to match its expectations, new ideas should be thought of and applied accordingly. 4. Analysis of the impact of the performance objectives on the design The analysis of the effect of the performance objectives of the design can be explained in the below-mentioned points: To critically understand the development and innovation of the product The development and the innovation of the watch must be understood critically. The features that are to be added must be clear and specific so that the development can be made as expected. The loopholes in the previous model of the watch that was launched by Apple were not water proof and hence the users had faced serious issues when they had used it while swimming and bathing. The policy that was used for the watch did not permit the watch to be submerged. Hence, the watch needs to be modified in a way that it can be able to be used during bathing, swimming and other water activities. The specifications of the watch need to be changed so that the user can wear the watch and perform the above mentioned activities. It is very crucial to understand thus the changes that are required to be done for the modification of the product. If the required activities are not properly understood or if the features that are to be incorporated are not critically understood, the modifications cannot be carried out as planned. The purpose of the modification of the watch will not be successful, and the customers will not be able to solve the problems that the existing customers are facing with the watch. If the customers are satisfied with the new and improved product, it will make Apple more popular, and the customer base would be greatly increased. To critically analyze the pricing strategies used by Apple When the product is launched with the new features imbibed in it, the pricing strategies of Apple needs to be critically analyzed too. The premium pricing strategy and differentiation need to be used in this regard. The objective must not be to sell the watch at a low cost. It must be to sell a good watch that has all the features of a great phone that would give a very good experience to the users. High end should be focused in this. Profits should be prioritized over the market share. A halo effect should be created which would make the customers starve for the Apple watch. The modified product so offered by Apple needs to be such that it is different and unique. This would be to enhance the market demand for the watch. The watch should be seen as a value for the money that is borne by the customers. The customers should not be of the opinion that the cost that they are bearing for the product is too much for the product. To critically understand the market segmentation The market segmentation strategy that needs to be used is psychographic. This involves the values, activities, attitudes, opinions and interests. Emotions are to be focused and hence this strategy of branding needs to be used. The brand personality of Apple is all about imagination, innovation, lifestyle, hopes, passion, and liberty regained people-to-people and aspirations with the help of technology (Aaker and Joachimsthaler 2012). It is also about simplicity and the obliteration of complexity from the lives of the people. The product so offered must be people oriented. By the use of the psychographic segmentation, the motive, personality, lifestyle and the geodemographic segmentation is to suit the high and middle-class consumers. The sole reason behind it is that money is required to buy the watch. For the people belonging to the high class and middle class, the psychographic segmentation complements each other since they aim at suiting to the needs of all the people in these cla sses. Demographic segmentation according to the gender must be used too. This is because the product would be suitable for every gender. The females would like the product due to its design and use and the males with the features that the watch offers. Apple comes in according to the incomes of the middle and high-income people and is used in all the ethnic groups. Figure 1: Market Segmentation of Apple Source: (Jefferson and George 2014) References Aaker, D.A. and Joachimsthaler, E., 2012.Brand leadership. Simon and Schuster. Anderson, J.M., 2015. From Algorithm to Animation.Atlanta. Hanewich-Hollatz, A., 2015. COMBINING AUXILIARY FINGER INPUT WITH THUMB TOUCH FOR SINGLE-HANDED MOBILE DEVICE INTERFACES. Ingber, J., 2016. An Introduction to the Apple Watch. Jefferson, D.A. and George, B.P., 2014. Creative market segmentation process, global positioning, global product design and successful global brands. Jiang, H., 2014.Smart watch. U.S. Patent Application 14/781,543. Kamardeen, I., 2015.Fall Prevention Through Design in Construction: The Benefits of Mobile Computing. Routledge. Kusume, Y. and Gridley, N., 2013. Commitment 12: Create One Vocabulary for the Whole Organization. InBrand Romance(pp. 159-168). Palgrave Macmillan UK. McNulty, S., 2015.The Apple Watch Book: Master the most personal computer in your life. Peachpit Press. Michael, K. and Michael, M.G., 2015. The Apple Watch heralds a brave new world of digital living. Reiss, M., 2014.Apple. Reaktion Books. Riches, G., 2015. Apple watch for developers. Shen, Y., 2015.Forecasting Twitter topic popularity using bass diffusion model and machine learning(Doctoral dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Strawbridge, D., 2013.It's Not Easy Being Green: One Family's Journey Towards Eco-friendly Living. Random House. Taylor, A., 2015.Get Fit with Apple Watch: Using the Apple Watch for Health and Fitness. Apress. Thompson, T., Colliou, O., Duck, R. and Behzadi, Y., Proteus Digital Health, Inc., 2012.Wearable Personal Body Associated Device with Various Physical Configurations. U.S. Patent Application 14/004,399.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

The Good War essays

The Good War essays The Good War, An Oral History of World War II, by Studs Turkel, is a compiliation of multiple accounts from servivors, on their personal experiences of the war. Each person with a differnt storie to tell; allowing for a very vivid description of the war, from various differnt perspectives, and points of view. In General, those who where not against the war from the beginning, found that the war had a significant and usually, suprisingly positive effect on them, and the rest of their lives. For the most part, those who went off to war, after the war, came back with a positeive outlook. Most of the American solders atlest, beleived that the war was either a major turning point in their life, was an exiting adventure, or tought them some kind of moral lesson that they carried with them throughout the rest of their life. What I find ironic is the fact that despite all the death and carnage that they were forced to view, that the majority of them were able to come back and say that it was the best experience of their lives, or that they wouldnt trade their war experience, for any thing in the world. I find it strange that a war can be one of the greatest things to happen to one in his/her lifetime. In contrast to that, young men who did not go off to the war, either becuase they were concientious objecters, or becuase of other reasons, had a negative view on the war. They believed that the war was wrong going in, and believed it was wrong when it was over. However, I dont believe that they can honestly say that it would have been best to have allowed Hitler to create his own empire at the expense of others, Just in order to prevent war. Yes, war is not a pretty thing, but at some point, it becomes inevidably inavoidable. Which brings me to my next point. Why did Studds Turkel choose to name this book The Good War? What Makes any war a Good War? Despite the fact that war itself is a hor...

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Meaningful Life Lessons We Learn From Teachers at School

Meaningful Life Lessons We Learn From Teachers at School Teachers spend a lot of time with their students throughout the course of the year. They are influential by nature and often take advantage of opportunities to teach life lessons when they present themselves. Life lessons taught by teachers have made a lasting impact on many students. In many cases, sharing these life lessons can have a far greater impact than teaching standard based content. Teachers often use both direct and indirect opportunities to incorporate life lessons. Directly, there are natural components of schooling that lead to learning life lessons. Indirectly, teachers often take advantage of what they refer to as teachable moments to expand topics or to discuss aspects of life that are brought up by students during class. 20. You Will Be Held Accountable for Your Actions Student discipline is a major component in any classroom or school. There is a certain set of rules or expectations by which everyone is expected to follow. Choosing not to adhere to them will result in disciplinary action. Rules and expectations exist in all facets of life, and there are always consequences when we push the limits of those rules. 19. Hard Work Pays Off Those who work the hardest typically achieve the most. Teachers understand that some students are more naturally gifted than others, but even the most gifted student will not achieve much if they are lazy. It is nearly impossible to be successful at anything if you are not willing to work hard. 18. You Are Special This is a core message that every teacher should drive home to every student. We all have our unique talents and qualities that make us special. Too many children feel inadequate and unimportant. We should strive to ensure that all students believe that they matter. 17. Make the Most of Each Opportunity Opportunities present themselves on a regular basis throughout our lives. How we choose to respond to those opportunities can make all the difference in the world. Learning is a significant opportunity for children across this country. It is essential for teachers to convey the message to students that each day presents a new opportunity to learn something new. 16. Organization Matters A lack of organization can lead to chaos. Students who are organized have a much greater chance of being successful later on in life. This is a skill that begins early on. One way that teachers can drive home the importance of organization is to hold students accountable for how their desk and/or locker looks on a regular basis. 15. Pave Your Own Path Ultimately, every person determines his or her future through decision making over a long period of time. It is easy for experienced adults to look back and see exactly how we paved the path that led us to where we are today. This is an abstract concept for students and teachers should spend time discussing how our decisions and work ethic at even a young age can shape our future. 14. You Cannot Control Who Your Parents Are Parents have the largest influence on any child. In some cases, this influence may be negative in nature. However, most parents want the best for their children although they may not know how to give it to them. It is vital that teachers let their students know that they have the capability to control their own future, making different decisions than their parents, which can lead to a better life. 13. Remain True to Yourself Ultimately it does not matter what others think about you. Making a decision based on what someone else wants almost always turns out to be the wrong decision. Teachers must convey the message of believing in you, trusting your instincts, setting goals, and reaching those goals without personal compromise. 12. You Can Make a Difference We are all potential change agents, meaning we have the potential to make differences in the lives of those around us. Teachers demonstrate this directly on a daily basis. They are there to make a difference in the lives of the children they are charged to teach. They can teach students how they can make a difference by incorporating different projects such as a canned food drive, cancer fundraiser, or another community project. 11. Remain Trustworthy Being trustworthy means that those around you believe that you will tell the truth, keep secrets (so long as they do not put others in danger), and will carry out tasks that you have promised to do. Teachers drive home the concepts of honesty and loyalty on a daily basis. It is a core part of any classroom rules or expectations. 10. Structure Is Critical Some students will initially reject a structured classroom, but ultimately they will come to enjoy it and even crave it when it is not there. A structured classroom is a safe classroom where teaching and learning are maximized. Providing students with a structured learning environment can show students that having structure in their life is a positive aspect that they need more of. 9. You Have the Greatest Control of Your Destiny Many people believe that their destiny is dictated by the situation in which they inherited by birth. Nothing could be further from the truth. Every person controls his own destiny once they reach a certain age. Teachers fight this misconception all the time. For example, many students believe that they cannot go to college because their parents did not go to college. This is a cycle that schools work hard to break. 8. Mistakes Provide Valuable Learning Opportunities The greatest lessons in life result because of failures and it is the lessons learned from those mistakes that help make us whom we become. Teachers teach this life lesson on a daily basis. No student is perfect. They make mistakes, and it is a teachers job to ensure that their students understand what the mistake was, how to fix it, and to give them strategies to ensure that those mistakes are not repeated. 7. Respect Has to Be Given to Be Received Good teachers lead by example. They give their students respect knowing that the majority of the students will, in turn, give them respect back. Teachers often have students who come from backgrounds where little respect is expected or given in the home. School may be the only place where respect is given and expected to be given back. 6. Differences Should Be Embraced Bullying is one of the largest problems in schools today often resulting because of perceived differences that make some students an easy target based on how they look or act. The world is full of unique and different people. These differences, no matter what they are, should be embraced and accepted. Many schools now incorporate learning opportunities into their daily lessons to teach kids how to respect individual differences. 5. There Are Aspects of Life That Are Beyond Our Control The process of school is one big lesson on this. Many students, especially older ones, do not want to go to school but go because they are required by law. Once they get there, they are learning lessons created by a teacher with little to no student ownership. These lessons are being taught because of state-directed standards. Life is no different. There are many aspects of our life with which we have little control. 4. Bad Decisions Lead to Serious Consequences Not every poor decision will lead to a bad consequence, but some of them will. You may get away with something once or twice, but you will eventually be caught. Decision making is a critical life lesson. Students should be taught to think each decision through, never make a decision in haste, and be prepared to live with the consequences associated with that decision. 3. Good Decisions Lead to Prosperity Making smart decisions is critical to individual success. A series of poor decisions can quickly lead to a road of failure. Making a good decision does not necessarily mean it is the easiest decision. In some cases, it is going to be the harder decision. Students must be rewarded, recognized, and praised for good decision making as often as possible. Teachers can help make good decision making a habit that will follow students throughout their life. 2. Working Together Cooperatively Benefits Everyone Teamwork is a valuable skill taught in schools. Schools often provide the first opportunities for children to work together with other children who may be different. Working cooperatively is imperative to both  team and individual success. Students must be taught that each individual part working together makes the team successful. However, if one part quits or does not perform adequately, everyone fails. 1. You Can Become Anything It is clichà ©, but it is also a valuable lesson that teachers must never stop teaching. As adults, we know that it is nearly impossible to break a generational rut. However, we should never give up hope that we can reach students and help them break a cycle that has held other family members back for many generations. It is our basic duty to provide hope and belief that they can achieve and become anything.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Applied Research Project Capstone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Applied Research Project Capstone - Essay Example The Department of Homeland Security (2010) also argues that the new and evolving threats that need close attention are cyber security, prevention of cyber crime, and the protection of the critical infrastructure. The article provides information on how through international cooperation there have been efforts to foster the establishment of the national and international watch and warning networks in order to detect and prevent cyber attacks as they emerge. Information on public awareness on cyber security is also found in the article. Besides, there is also information on the need for coordination and cooperation between the government and the private sector to ensure cyber security. The article by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (2014), provides a framework for enhancing critical infrastructure cyber security. Since the United States’ cyberspace is connected to the rest of the world, attacks can cross the border at lightening speed. The article also provides information on the significance of critical infrastructure to the national and economic security of the nation. Moreover, there is information on how internet traffic can be monitored and malicious intrusions to the critical infrastructure systems detected. Department of Homeland Security. (2010). Preventing and Defending Against Cyber Attacks. Retrieved February 26, 2015, from: http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/defending-against-cyber-attacks-november-2010.pdf National Institute of Standards and Technology. (2014). Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cyber Security. Retrieved February 26, 2015, from

Monday, February 3, 2020

Pheochromocytoma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Pheochromocytoma - Essay Example They are usually derived from the adrenal medulla but may develop from chromaffin cells in or about sympathetic ganglia (pheochromocytomas or paragangliomas). The mechanism of catecholamine release is not well documented. It is suspected that the tumor may be caused by the changes in blood flow and necrosis within the tumor. The tumors do not contain nerves and therefore neural stimulation will not trigger catecholamine release. They also store and secrete a variety of peptides, such as endogenous opioids, neuropeptide Y, and chromagranin, which may contribute to the clinical manifestation in selected cases. The term pheochromocytoma was coined by a pathologist named Pick after the Greek work phaios, meaning dark or dusky, and chroma, meaning color - to describe the chromaffin reaction seen in adrenomedullary tumors. The term is mostly used to refer to tumors that arise from the adrenal medulla. Pheochromocytoma's most common manifestation is hypertension. Spectacular and alarming hypertensive paroxysms or crises may occur in over half the cases. Although they only occur in .1% of the hypertensive population, it is nevertheless a significant cause of high blood pressure and is correctible, if properly diagnosed and treated. If it is ignored, then it could be fatal and will put patients at risk for a lethal hypertensive paroxysm and long-term sequelae (a pathological condition resulting from a prior disease, injury or attack) of the disease. It is also an indication of the presence of a familiar disorder. An early detection may reduce the risk of metastasis. Description Pheochromocytoma is a rare disease in which tumors form in chromaffin cells of the body. Most pheochromocytomas, about 98% of the time, start inside the adrenal glands (adrenal medulla). It is a tumor which is made up of large, polyhedral, pleomorphic chromaffin cells, which is only malignant in less than 10% of the case, and which causes the adrenal glands to produce too much adrenaline. The histologic appearance will not show malignancy. A local invasion of the surrounding tissue or distant metastases will reveal malignancy. It usually affects only one of the adrenal glands, although it may also start in other parts of the body, such as the area around the heart or bladder. Pathology Statistically, pheochromocytoma occur in 1-2 out of 100,000 adults, around 80% of which are unilateral and solitary, only 10% are bilateral, and the remaining 10% are extraadrenal. Majority of these cases, about 80-90% are sporadic, and the remaining are connected to hereditary syndromes (.eg. multiple endocrine neoplasia). In pediatric patients, about are bilateral and another are extraadrenal. For yet unexplained reason, lesions are usually in the right side. Most pheochromocytomas are small, weighing less than 100 grams and are about 10 cm in diameter. They may however grow to over 3 kg in size. The tumors have vessels or ducts, or are highly vascular. Extraadrenal pheochromocytomas usually weigh 20-40 g and are less than 5 cm in diameter. Most are located within the abdomen in association with the celiac, superior mesenteric ganglia. Approximately 1% are in the thorax, 1 percent are within the urinary bladder, and less than 1% are in the neck, usually in association with the sympathetic ganglia or the extracranial branches of the ninth or tenth cranial nerves. Clinical Features Most of pheochromocytomas

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Introduction To Personal Development Plan Personal Development Essay

Introduction To Personal Development Plan Personal Development Essay 1. Introduction to Personal Development Plan: Personal Development Plan (PDP) refers to activities that improve self-knowledge and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital and employability, enhance quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations. The concept is not limited to self-development but includes formal and informal activities for developing others as well. Finally as personal development takes place in the context of institutions, it refers to the methods, programs, tools, techniques, and assessment systems that support human development at the individual level in organizations. A personal development plan is a meticulously designed program which uses psychological tools such as the Personal Effectiveness Scale and created in order to create an understanding between a reviewer and an employee of an organization on important areas of development keeping in mind the ways in which these needs would be supported. PDPs are usually developed in companies and it acknowledges th e plan discussed between the employer and employee. 2. Purpose: In this assignment I want to create Personal Development Plan for myself through which I would try to focus on the areas where I need to work upon in order to achieve my short, medium and long-term objectives. So to start the process of developing a PDP for myself I would like to start with my introduction and my career path till date and my future objectives. I work in an Indian government financial organization as an investment consultant at the commercial investment section and my career objective would be to become the manager of companys zonal branch in next 3-4 years. My aim is to open my own financial invest farm for commercial investors in next 5-6 years. 3. Objectives: Short term To improve my performance to get better output using my strong points. Medium term To enhance my day to day working knowledge and to further improve my own ability to perform at a certain level consistently. Long term To help myself with self evaluation of my strong and weak points and build upon the ability to sustain continuous growth and keep growing. Short term To improve my performance to get better output using my strong points. Target Period 6 Months Organisational objectives Try to implement the plan and increase the amount of loans to the needed people and organisations. Learnings to suffice the above requirement To perfect and constantly evaluate my skills. Need to perform to achieve the above Need to attend courses and complete reviews by the senior management people. Support resources I might need to join a specific and planned course and which might require some money to be invested. What immediate success am I looking at To raise my performance at an exceptionally good level by the end of 1st year with the help of learnings and feedback provided on the above. Target period to accomplish the above target Though I am looking at a time frame of 6 months but would be pushing it to achieve as soon as possible. Medium term To enhance my day to day working knowledge and to further improve my own ability to perform at a certain level consistently. Target Period 6 months Objectives towards achieving organizational and departmental goals Learning and enhancing my knowledge on the subject by implementation of own PDP and bringing the knowledge on day to day performance. Facts that I need o learn Constantly evaluate self performance and find out new paths of improvement in anything and everything I require to perform. What myself need to do to achieve the above Need to attend some specific courses related to my work field and try to learn as much as possible from the experienced seniors at work and also get review on my learnings. Kind of resources I would require to support the above expected achievement Might need to join a specific and planned course and which might require some money to be invested. What will be my expected success To have a clear self understanding of what I am doing and what is my expected outcome in near future. Target period to accomplish the above target Planned time frame is 6 months but expecting to achieve by end of 4-5 months. Long term To help myself with self evaluation of my strong and weak points and build upon the ability to sustain continuous growth and keep growing. Time period 1 to 4 years Organizational and departmental objectives Implementation of my PDP and enhance my knowledge in financial domain and increase my work experience to be able to reach the managerial level of the organization with remarkable remuneration package within 2-3 years and then to open my own investment company to help small time investors in the state. What would I need to learn and apply to achieve the above To be perfect in my work keeping the process in place and keeping an eye on constant evaluation of self financial and managerial skills, work hard and climb the corporate ladder at the earliest. What will I need to do to achieve the above To attend available courses, Learn from experienced sources. Keep the performance level at an exceptional standard. Create a network of high and influential people both from inside and outside of organization. Create favorable environment in my organization. Completion of self reviews on a regular and timely basis. What kind of resources and support I would need to support the above expectation Need to be get closer with influential clients and higher management people of the organization which might involve some cost in way of entertaining them and provide them with some help in completing and meeting their demand. To create a network of powerful and influential people for myself. Target period to accomplish the above Planned time frame is 1 4 years but expecting to achieve by end of 3 years. 4. Professional Skills: To be a successful and effective manager some skills are required, which help in performing well in the job and simultaneously grow vertically in the career ladder. I have classified the roles based on various important tasks that I would expect to perform in the organization. Task-based skill This skill helps a manager to properly plan to execute complex tasks, manage projects and run an efficient operation, it also helps in planning, organizing and monitoring performance on a regular basis. It is also important to be results oriented, to be someone who constantly conveys a sense of urgency and has the perseverance to get things done under tight time pressures. This also help to be able to build resilience to bounce back following setbacks and to build the power within to not to get defeated easily and sustain in crunchy situations. Team based skill This skill helps a manager in identifying and appointing associate or model leaders to learn and develop leadership skills and qualities. This also helps to foster team spirit and setting up benchmark for performances. This is the most important factor to groom team members. This skill facilitates the presence of necessary infrastructure supports and integrating tem members. Team member based skills This skill specifically helps the manager to identify the talent among team members. This helps the manager to nurture the talent of the members in sync with the organizational goals. This is also important quality to assign and balance team members needs and the most importantly to appreciate the performance of each individual team member as and when necessary. My learnings on positive managerial and leadership skills: In my earlier employment with the Bajaj Allianz life insurance I had a chance demonstrate my managerial skill which worked in a very positive way to get my new job where I am in now. I had to suggest one of our client the best option to invest his money. To work out the best result for him, I did my research on all the available options and studied the pros and cons of all kind of investments options like investment in a market linked insurance fund, directly buying shares or debentures from stock market, investment in bonds or confirmed minimum returns on investments like fixed deposits, mutual funds etc and provided him with my suggestion which was a market linked infrastructure bond along with a health insurance. The return received by the client made him give a positive feedback about my commercial insight and which in turn helped me create goodwill for my company. This also helped me create a long term relationship with the client as well as build my network of people ensuring t hat I can always expect him to reach out to me for his future investments and in turn can use his contacts and influence to help me in future. In Bajaj Allianz, I had also been allotted the responsibility of providing training to newly joined insurance agents and the field and trainee managers who were newly inducted in the company. This was vital help and knowledge gain for me to nurture and polish my people management skill as I was responsible to train people with the product knowledge as well as the rules and regulations of the company as well as the companys position and field of operations in the market. This helped me a lot in understanding our target audience and helps them understanding the products and the company in the most efficient way as possible. This role and my performance were very instrumental to judge my leadership and management skill from the positive feedback of the trainees. 5. Personal skills: Communication Communication is one of the most important tool which needs to be used very effectively when it comes to being a manager or a leader. It can be formal or informal, work related or non work related, can be personal or impersonal, creative or factual. Thoughts or messages may be conveyed verbally, in writing or nonverbally, but it is always very important that whichever subject or whatever mode it is conveyed, it is clear to both the owner and the receiver. There are many instances where examples of each communication approach may have been successfully applied and at the same time things have gone wrong just due to the improper communication, be it at work, at home or at the most highest level of society including government communication. Written Person should be able to express himself loud and clear in written communication. Be it writing essays for school or writing an application for a job, creating his bio-data, research thesis, day to day email communications, anywhere and everywhere it is very important to be clear about what he or she is trying to convey and to be sure the person at the other end is clear about the message. Verbal As he word goes that speech out of mouth and arrow out of bow can never be returned back, so it is highly important that we choose words before any verbal communication is made. Be I formal or informal, person should be well efficient and double clear about conveying thoughts easily and getting engaged with other people. It is also to be kept in mind the mode by which message is conveyed, whether socially among friends or in a gathering or on telephone. Body Language Another most important but highly ignored way of communication is the persons self body language. Person has to have the ability to match is own body language appropriately to what he or she is trying to convey verbally. It is the presence and display of body language which supports the verbal communication heavily in every places, be it at work or at a public gathering or be it in a social function. The eye contact, gestures and postures, movement, expressions everything is highly counted when it comes to any communication to take place and to produce the desired outcome. 6. Working in team: Its very important and highly noticed by the management of any organization is that how well a manager can work with the fellow team members. Its valued at a very high level, not only in case of work but otherwise in all respect, its important to demands to have good skill to work with others and create a positive environment. The factors which are included in this skill set are as below. Co-operation A person should have the quality to be able to co-operate with all level of people in all kind of situations. Its highly important to be able to bring into effect the co-cooperativeness in both way, from the person himself and to get the same from others, which plays a big role in accomplishing any target. Not only work but any group activity like in sports, or group discussion or for that matter preparing project report, in every cases co-operation in a positive way is very important. Importance of sensitivity It is this skill which makes a person close and valuable to others. Ability to understand the need and offer help and respond is very important, regardless of age and level. A person who can reach out to anyone and display his sensibility to help others to handle situation is one of the best quality one should develop. Quality of negotiation Its important to reach at a logical end and desired outcome, but it does not happen always that you are in win win situation. In day to day activity also a person needs to be flexible enough to sometime negotiate and compromise to reach at a winning outcome. It is not always that the person or organization you are dealing with very understanding, rather it is highly common that people are reluctant to think the way you are thinking, especially when it comes to government organization and bureaucratic run departments. Leadership quality This is purely team oriented. How good a person in conveying his ideas to fellow members and provide them with a feeling that they are important for the success and most importantly motivate and encourage each individual member in all situation to give their best for the overall success is the best quality a leader can wish for. 7. Problem solving qualities To have the skill to generate ideas to solve any kind of problems and bring an end to issues and conflicts are counted as the problem solving skill of a person. Planning and organizing The ability develop a well thought plan and set the required sequence of systematic process and ideas are part of a successful result in every part of day o day to life. Planning is one thing and organizing the required requirements and executing them as per plan comes under a persons perfect organizing skill. It also comes handy when we think about simply organizing a group, party or get together or for that matter clients demonstration, a proper planning and execution through seamless organizing skill is highly important. Creativity Generating new ideas or reusing existing solutions in a new way is what it matters when it comes to handling a situation or solving a problem. Its not always that we need to come up with new approach or ideas to deal with a situation, but we should be able to use any existing methods in a better way and apply the same in a different approach depending on the kind and nature of issues. Research and analysis Doing a thorough research on the subject and gathering all sort of required informations plays a vital role to derive at a successful outcome. Not only gathering informations but then analyzing the same in respect of the situation and nature of the issue gives a chance in most of the cases that the result is expected in a positive way. 8. Self learning and improving performance Self development This talks about knowing self strength and weakness. It is the most important skill a human being needs to develop to grow and find out his ultimate goal in life. Understanding his own strength and weakness about his personal ability, educational capability and career goal is what makes a person to reach where he wants to. On personal front he or she needs to know which skill is better in him and which is the strong point he can bank upon to pursue his career. On educational front its not only the normal study what is basic, but it is the self evaluation of his progress, constant review and correction towards his targets which is very important. As per the career development, it is very important to be clear and focused towards the ultimate goal in his career. He has to be firm on his decision on what he wants to be and work constantly towards reaching that level. Leaning To be able to learn from all available situations and apply the same learnings in different contexts as and when required. Its not only books, but learning from day to day experience, from playing a game, working at home, nurturing his hobby, learning can be from anything and every situation a person come across, but what is important to find out whether we apply the same when we face any situation, thats more important. It is the transfer of our learning experience from one situation to another situation is what we need to be good at. Logical reasoning Person should have to be able to use his reasoning skill and logical thinking towards defending an argument or making a statement. A planning without any logical reasoning in place can never produce positive result. He has to foresee the effects of the planning in advance and that is only possible when he can think logically and apply the proper reasoning behind the decision taken or else it can only produce an adverse result. Self judgment One of the most important skill is to be able to judge and question his own performance. Unless a person can reflect on his own performance and find out where he stands as per his expectation and critique his sort falls, he can never revaluate and find out the reason and also the answers for the incorrect result. It is self judgment and revaluation which can work as the corrective measure and can rebuild the situation and change the failure to success. Study skill To enhance knowledge on subject from finding more and more informations from people around and relevant sources. Going through different educative materials, gathering informations from journals, available notes, collecting ideas from reference books from library, going through thesis, finding documents available on net there are so many ways of increase your study skill and enhance self-knowledge on the subject which will only make you stronger and firm while talking on the subject or when taking decisions. 9. Audit on self assessment: Questionnaire Now to find where I stand as per my target achievement and planning and evaluate my progress, I need to create a set of questionnaire and mark myself depending on the options of answers. I need to find out what is my score on each question there can be four options Answers Marks 1. Strongly Disagree 1 2. Tend to disagree 2 3. Tend to agree 3 4. Strongly agree 4 Communication Reading skill Questions Marks Am I good enough in reading both study materials and others Am I good enough in finding information from different sources Am I well versed with finding informations from electronic media Am I capable enough to go through and understand the materials after reading Can I create documents from the above informations when I work on assignments or projects Am I able to read texts or documents and summarize the gist of what the author had tried to convey __________________ Total Marks Obtained 22 (4+4+4+4+3+3) Communication Writing skill Questions Marks Am I good enough in writing both study related or normal communication Am I good enough in expressing my ideas and views Do I plan and develop ideas in mind before penning it down How good am I when it come to grammar or spelling Am I capable enough to create documents as per specifications of department or course or the institution standard Am I good enough to create notes from a lecture or group discussions or a presentation or any demonstration __________________ Total Marks Obtained 21 (4+3+4+4+3+2) Communication Verbal Questions Marks Am I clear when I engage myself in any verbal communication Am I good enough in conveying and explaining concepts or ideas to group of people Am I good enough in giving a presentation using slides, graphs, charts, diagrams Do I listen carefully to others and try to understand their point of views Can I always come to a logical conclusions keeping both my own and others views Am I good enough in getting involvement of people when I discuss or convey or present _____________________ Total Marks Obtained 18 (4+2+2+4+3+3) Team Work Questions Marks Am I a good team member Am I clear in understanding the target goal and achievement of the team Do I agree and work towards achieving the teams target Am I sensitive enough about each fellow team members roles in achieving success Am I good enough in monitoring the teams progress and efforts and bring forward challenges faced by the team towards achieving target Given a chance would I be able to lead a team _____________________ Total Marks Obtained 21 (4+4+4+4+3+2) Problem Solving Questions Marks Am I skilled enough to break down a big task in small executable part Do I look for help when I cannot get through the problem rather than wasting time Do I enjoy the challenge in solving problems and feel happy at the end Do I plan and do a brainstorm session involving the team members as and when necessary before getting started Do I foresee the possible outcome before I carry the task out Am I flexible and capable enough to look for alternate solutions depending on situations and progress rate _____________________ Total Marks Obtained 21 (3+4+4+3+3+4) Self learnings and personal effectiveness Questions Marks Am I organized at my work and organize my tasks in order to meet target and deadlines Do I constantly evaluate self progress towards meeting the target Am I clear about my strength and weakness about planning and meeting targets on time Am I capable enough to find help and support to complete assigned tasks Am I clear about my future targets about my career Do I discuss my thoughts with people around _____________________ Total Marks Obtained 21 (4+3+4+4+4+2) Grand Total 124 Deriving at my strength and weakness based on the above self assessment audit: Strengths From above audit I can see that my strengths are good communication skill, being a good team member, inclination towards solving problem etc I would always try to use these strong points very effectively to manage work and towards achieving my objectives in career. Weaknesses I can see my weaknesses in the fields of creating documents, making presentation, lack of confidence in leading a team and being little introvert. I would definitely work towards fixing these issues at the earliest with the help of my strength. 10. Result Evaluation: The result is not quite surprising to me as I knew some of my weaknesses. Though I am always a good team member and my communications are good but I am not good in making presentations and creating documents. I also lack in taking quick decisions sometime. But to me, the bigger issue seems like my lack of confidence in leading people. I am little introvert and not very vocal which might have led to me being less confident. 11. Action Plan: Development Area: Presentation Skills / Leadership Quality / Decision Making The plan is to conduct mock sessions and practice as much as possible. This would prevent me from any kind fear in me when presenting real-time. After all, presenting a piece of information in a compelling manner is vital to a manager and there is gets all the more necessary to get groomed on the presentation skills. Also I hope these training sessions will let me gain the confidence to present in front of crowd or a business group. I would join some short courses, attend seminars and workshops on effective leadership quality development, though I am always a good team player but I need to gain the confidence and quality of leading a team as well. I also would work with some senior level management people who are at decision making authority level to find out more on the skill and try to improve upon. 12. Conclusion: From my self prepared PDP, I am quite confident that I am on the right path and also confident that I can overcome the weaknesses I have in some specific fields with help from internal and external sources and also would try to use my strong points to dominate over my weaknesses. I want t be on the right track and would want to see myself as a role model for people who wants to succeed in financial sector and want to reach to the managerial level and start his own entrepreneurship.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Pay for Performance

Pay for Performance Park University Overview Incentive pay, also known as â€Å"pay for performance† is generally given for specific performance results rather than simply for time worked. While incentives are not the answer to all personnel challenges, they can do much to increase worker performance. (Billikopf) Performance pay has various names: merit pay, pay for performance, knowledge-and-skill- based pay, or individual or group incentive pay. Delisio) Pay for performance systems have further been proven to have two advantages for organizations: attracting more high-quality employees and motivating employees to exert more effort at their jobs. (Gordon, Kaswin) This paper will show the positive benefits of performance pay as well as some steps to implement the pay for performance program. Productivity Implications Companies that have switched from salaries to individual incentives have increased productivity dramatically—some by as much as 44 percent.Linking pay to p erformance not only motivates but also helps to recruit and retain the most talented employees. New graduates seek to join organizations that make use of performance-related rewards, and they have long-term loyalty to these organizations. The use of performance pay has also grown in popularity, as 67 percent of companies offer some form of performance pay to employees below the executive level. Likewise, the practice of compensating managers below the senior executive level with stock options and other forms of long-term incentives has risen dramatically.This is because performance-sensitive pay aligns the interest of all levels of employees with the interests of shareholders. (Gordon, Kaswin) Implementing a pay for performance system has been shown to resolve organizational problems because it aligns the preferences of firms and employees. In addition, creating a pay for performance system serves as a sorting mechanism to identify and attract the most capable employees. Gordon, Kas win) The economic downturn has accentuated the need to contain compensation costs by holding down fixed-based salary expenses. To maintain competitive pay plans, an increasing number of companies are giving more employees across different job functions the opportunity to earn variable, performance-driven incentives for achieving individual and organizational goals. (Gordon, Kaswin) Pay for Performance Objectives Developing a pay for performance philosophy and strategy is easier when we understand what such an approach is intended to achieve.If effectively constructed, pay for performance compensation plans should help a company fulfill the following objectives: * Recruit and retain the highest quality employees * Communicate and reinforce the values, goals and objectives of the company * Engage employees in the organization's success * Reward contributors for successful achievements (The VisionLink Advisory Group) Line of Sight Ultimately, the combination of rewards strategies that a company institutes should help to raw a correlation in the mind of the employees between interdependent elements: * Vision – where is this company going? * Strategy – how is it going to get there? * Roles and Expectations – what role does each key person have in that strategy and what is expected of him or her in that role? * Rewards – how will each employee be financially rewarded for the achievement of the expectations associated with his or her role    Pay for performance is the mechanism that is used to create this â€Å"line of sight† between related elements of company culture and purpose.In the final analysis, compensation needs to reinforce the behaviors that are desired within the strategy framework of the company in a way that is compelling enough to produce the desired performance. (The VisionLink Advisory Group) In adopting a rewards philosophy for how people will be remunerated for their contributions within an organization, a comp any has to determine what the right balance should be between short and long-term compensation and guaranteed versus performance compensation.Pivotal in that philosophy development is how and to what extent pay will be tied to specific types of performance. This issue will not be treated the same in every organization. However, every business should be able to identify certain performance objectives it wants its workforce to fulfill and the financial outcome that will be achieved if that result is attained. Such a projection can be translated into an increased shareholder value figure. (The VisionLink Advisory Group)Features of Effective Plans Top Management Support Supervisors must understand the incentive pay process in order to support and administer it. Oftentimes, a lack of understanding causes managers to ignore or adapt the process as they see fit. Moreover, if supervisors are not trained on how to measure performance, the process will not be standardized across the company. (Gordon, Kaswin) Having buy-in from key stakeholders is crucial for the success of an incentive pay system.For example, if top management does not support such a program, lower-level managers will place little importance on effectively administering the program. Hence, a lack of top management support often leads to a lack of accountability. (Gordon, Kaswin) Communication Consistent and methodical communication is necessary when implementing an incentive pay plan. It will ensure employees understand what is expected of them while decreasing the likelihood of morale problems that result from misinterpretations of how incentives are awarded. Gordon, Kaswin) Performance Management Oftentimes, a flawed performance management system is the main reason an incentive pay system in not successful. When designing a performance management process that will be linked with pay, it is imperative that both employees and managers know what the individual goals are, how they will be measured, and ho w they will be compensated when achieved. Managers must also be careful to ensure that there is adequate differentiation between high and low performers. If mediocre employees are given an average merit increase, hey will perceive that their performance is adequate. Conversely, if excellent performers only receive a little more in incentive pay than average performers, they will perceive that the company does not value their performance. (Gordon, Kaswin) Appropriate Rewards The amount of incentive a company should offer to an individual depends on current income, amount of effort needed to invest, likelihood of obtaining the reward, acceptance of risk, equity of reward and contribution, and industry standards.A minimum for incentive pay is considered to be 5 to 15 percent of an individual’s base pay. (Gordon, Kaswin) Considerations before Implementing a Plan The best compensation plans take into account several key considerations. Before instituting a pay for performance syst em, companies should define which employees should be eligible for the program. Furthermore, it is important for companies to determine the role of equity in a total rewards framework from the perspectives of the employee and employer, as well as in terms of cost.Steps should be taken to (1) review the current objectives and purpose of the equity plan; (2) identify alternative rewards; (3) develop a communication plan for how the effectiveness of the program will be measured; (4) gather employees’ perspectives via surveys, focus groups, or internal research; (5) gather external market information; (6) determine the costs; (7) develop recommendations for design change; and (8) create the communication plan. The communication strategy for the program should encompass the value employees place on various rewards and how the changes will be perceived by employees.It should then monitor and manage employees’ reactions to the changes in their compensation structure. (Gordon, Kaswin) Objectives of a Broad-Based Incentive Plan When creating an incentive plan, the organization has to determine and clearly define the goals for the program. The objectives should be aligned with the business strategy. These goals should be utilized to shape the incentive plan as well as the expectations and objectives of individual employees. A main reason why incentive plans fail is because they are introduced as an inflexible process.The incentive plan should be first implemented on a small group of employees in order to determine the flaws and rectify them before implementing them across the enterprise. Once the plan is implemented, it should be regularly adapted. (Gordon, Kaswin) If companies want a pay for performance system, the firm should define the desired performance and establish methods of measuring it first. Then, connect goals for individuals, for business units, and for the company. Meanwhile, track everyone’s progress and periodically give back the dat a to raise everyone’s awareness of the program.Sixty-two percent of compensation professionals report that their organizations did not attempt to measure the return on investment of their compensation program. (Gordon, Kaswin) Conclusion Research indicates that broad-based incentive plans can be utilized as a means to encourage both employee performance and productivity. When implementing an incentive plan, several considerations are needed to ensure the plan is successful. However, it is important to note that incentive plans cannot ensure employee productivity by themselves. They must be coupled with effective human resources practices in order to ensure a successful work environment.These include determining the appropriate rewards, instituting comprehensive performance management systems, widespread and effective communication, as well as buy-in from top management to support the compensation plan. Over the past decade and increasingly in the past year, performance pay ha s become the standard as companies reward strong performance and lower overhead costs. This trend is expected to continue in the coming years. (Gordon, Kaswin) Like most things in business, compensation is something that requires evaluation, study, assessment, strategy, modeling and integration.Achieving a pay for performance culture does not happen without paying attention to the behaviors, activities, rewards and motivations that have to be linked and reinforced through a well-engineered and effectively executed process. And if that process does not tie rewards to shareholder financial objectives, employ the proper mix of compensation elements, result in meaningful dollars, embrace performance that employees can impact and are effectively communicated and reinforced, then the results it produces will likely fall short. (The VisionLink Advisory Group) Pay for performance systems need ngoing attention to keep them functioning properly. Organizational goals will change; performance g oals and measures will become obsolete; performance may improve or decline; managers may make errors in evaluating performance or allocating rewards. For all these reasons and more, agencies need to monitor the operation and effectiveness of their pay for performance systems and modify them accordingly. Only by giving the pay systems and related organizational requirements the ongoing attention that they warrant will agencies be able to obtain optimal results from their pay for performance systems. U. S. Merit Systems Protection Board) Works Cited Billikopf, Gregoria. (2001) Incentive Pay (Pay for Performance). The Regents of the University of California, retrieved from http://www. cnr. berkeley. edu/ucce50/ag-labor/7labor/08. htm The VisionLink Advisory Group, The Five Essentials of Pay for Performance, retrieved from http://www. vladvisors. com/images/PDF/VisionLink_Five-Essentials-Pay-For-Performance. pdf Gordon, A. A. , Kaswin, J. L. , Effective Employee Incentive Plans: Feature s and Implementation  Processes, Cornell HR Review, 2010, retrieved from http://cornellhrreview. rg/2010/05/31/effective-employee-incentive-plans-features-and-implementation-processes/ U. S. Merit Systems Protection Board, (2006) Designing an Effective Pay for Performance Compensation System. Retrieved from http://www. mspb. gov/netsearch/viewdocs. aspx? docnumber=224104;version=224323;application=ACROBAT Delisio, E. R. , Pay for Performance: What Are the Issues? , retrieved from http://www. educationworld. com/a_issues/issues/issues374a. shtml

Friday, January 10, 2020

New Step by Step Roadmap for Topics for Documented Essay

New Step by Step Roadmap for Topics for Documented Essay While the web has long turn into a dangerous place along with all the viruses and programming faults, today it is now a dangerous location for people. Despite the fact that it allows anonymity for anybody, the society still tries to find the ways to stop it from happening. Cyber bullying is an issue, quite a huge one. It is a problem affecting different countries worldwide. The Importance of Topics for Documented Essay It makes it possible for you to vary your writing enhance your organization by adding linking words. You will need to reveal the readers that you master of the subject and not a confused newbie who doesn't understand what he or she's discussing. As a way to select an intriguing topic, which will demonstrate your very best talents, you ought to keep reading. In addition, a customer may ask the writer to submit part of the job for review and, if needed, ask them to make corrections. What's a persuasive es say. You have to understand completely that you're not writing a descriptive essay. An argumentative essay requires you to choose a topic and have a position on it. Awinning argument essay contains some very important techniques that you are going to want to use, so continue reading. Citations and extracts from assorted sources have to be formatted properly. Literature essay topics allow you to narrow back on a particular idea or detail, it's important to select the essay topics you're interested in. Students often discover that a large part of their work on those essays is done before they even begin writing. Essays term papers dissertations and a whole lot more. What Topics for Documented Essay Is - and What it Is Not Specifically, it is all about the rules of citation, for instance, an APA research paper format. Feminist organizations like the National Organization for Women began working on the problem of age discrimination in employment and other regions of society. You are needed to write a minumum of one research paper in a semester for most the subjects. Writing a research paper even though may appear challenging is a considerable portion of routine student life. The above-mentioned topic selection may give you a very clear comprehension of wha t things to write about. Order and emphasis will be contingent on bias of question. It is an impossible task to compose an abstract research paper since this kind of article always touches on a particular topic and offers an actual search for optimal methods of solving a specific matter. By way of example, documented essay topics can be associated with education, volunteering, family difficulties, social and economical troubles, and so on. All you have to do is contact us and make a purchase. The very first step is where a significant number of students become stuck. For some of them you will require help, while others you're able to write by yourself. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about a coming deadline. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Topics for Documented Essay It features brief but structured information regarding your paper. If you still feel you need help, even if you've managed to opt for a topic, you may always employ a custom writing ser vice that will help you produce a fabulous research paper of which you'll be proud and will guarantee you a nice mark. It's extremely important to read carefully essay services reviews, because you wish to steer clear of low excellent services. Basics on how best to create a superior outline dalarcon com. Finding the most suitable arguments can help you prove your point and win. If you make a point, check with the text. When you are requested to decide on a great topic for your argument, start with something you're acquainted with. In case the question is all about technique, talk about the way that it impacts the others-one per paragraph. The key issue is to be selective in how you use the text. You are able to also restate the ideas you have discussed in the body paragraphs in order to make your point valid. Do not be hesitant to ask questions if there are a few unclear points. There are occasions when you're assigned with the topic but more frequently, you will need to create a topic on your own. You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. There are lots of fantastic argument topicsout there, but a lot of students through the years have produced the exact same arguments on identical problems. To compose a fantastic argumentative essay the students first must investigate several sides of the argument, allowing them to make an educated stance. How to compose a thesis statement.