Saturday, May 23, 2020

What Makes A Doctor - 1585 Words

The typical reaction of a person when ill is to run to the doctor, receive a prescribed medication and go about your merry way. Herbs and other natural remedies can be as effective as conventional medicine. Our culture often encourages a dependence on medical doctors, drugs and healthcare systems to fix ailments. What a naturopathic doctor does is establish the underlying reason of the health problem: â€Å"Instead of looking at the signs and symptoms and then treating the disease, herbalists look at the whole picture†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (â€Å"Health Services†). Natural medicine views the body and mind as one, a dysfunction in one area affects the other area. How you feel physically, spiritually, and mentally determines the state of overall health and wellbeing. When you don t feel well every aspect of life is impacted. I strongly believe all individuals deserve the utmost care to find out exactly what is causing the health issue, rather than containing it with pain relievers. P eople all around the world should be striving for optimal health and demanding honest care from physicians. The body is constantly aiming to attain homeostasis, and naturopathic doctors firmly believe natural treatments can greatly support this approach. Taking an active role in healing and treating the body as a whole is misunderstood by the general population. In order to facilitate optimal function of the body, it is essential to reinforce proper nourishment, balance and exercise on a daily basis. The pH balance of theShow MoreRelatedWhat Makes A Doctor?924 Words   |  4 Pageswondered what other type of health careers there is and what it takes to be in the health career field of the person you truly are? For many years, the health system can see ways for the patients to get treatment that they do need. Some patients don’t like the way some health employees treat them while the patients have their visit to their local doctors and while their patients are in the hospital. 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